Read before download: Runtime modifier is for educational purposes only. Before you attach Runtime Modifier to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. does not condone the illegal use of Runtime Modifier
Download Runtime Modifier 7.5
Download Runtime Modifier 7.5.2 For Mac
This installer makes use of the installcore software recomendation pluginNote: Some anti-virus programs mistakenly pick up parts of Runtime Modifier as a trojan/virus. If encountering trouble while installing, or cheat engine is not functional, disable your anti-virus before installing or running Runtime Modifier(More info on this particular problem can be found here)
For those that want to have Runtime modifier Setup without any extra software recomendation during install, then join RT-MOD's patreon and download using this link and you'll get a clean install file
Runtime Modifier Lua Extentions A forum with a list of useful add-ons for Runtime ModifierImproved .net data collector (Runtime Modifier 6.4). Gets parent classfields as well
Improved mono data collector (Runtime Modifier 6.4). Adds support for 64-bit and deals with situations where mono.dll is renamed. (Use LaunchMonoDataCollector() or mono_dissect() lua commands manually in those cases)
Save sessions (Runtime Modifier 6.4). Lets you save and reload the current scan session
UEFI DBVM Loader + DBVM 16. Use this to launch DBVM before your OS(Linux, Android, Windows...) starts. Note: This is DBVM 16, which needs RT-MOD 7.3 or later
Spanish(Latin) translation files (CL_cl)Korean translation files (ko_KR)
Spanish/Castilian translation files (es_ES)
Brazilian Portuguese translation files (pt_BR)
Russian translation files (ru_RU)
Polish translation files (pl_PL)
Chinese Traditional files (ch_TW)
Chinese Simplified translation files (ch_CN)
Chinese translation files (zh_CN)
Tutorial only translations
German tutorial translation filesFrench tutorial translation files
Runtime Modifier Proton Launcher (Utility to launch Runtime Modifier under the correct proton environment)
Server (For network scanning)
CEServer files for RT-MOD 7.5 (linux, android, x86,x86_64, arm and arm64)